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Admission policy – Hambrough Nursery

NURSERY PLACES ARE AVAILABLE FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024. Click here to download a form to apply for a place. Return the form to admin@hambrough.ealing.sch.uk

Click here for the Nursery admission Policy


We are delighted that your child is joining our Nursery at Hambrough Primary School in the autumn term.  On behalf of the staff, governors, children and parents, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you and your family to our school community.

We look forward to welcoming your child and will do everything we can to ensure that each child has a smooth transition and the support they need to begin their learning journey with us at Hambrough Primary School.


We will be offering children starting in the Autumn Term a chance to visit the Nursery for a stay and play session. Home visits will take place in July when we will be talking to you to find out about your child's preferences; things they particularly enjoy, find difficult etc.

The links below have some useful resources to support with transition.

We hope that the information on this page will answer many of the questions that you have about your child starting Nursery with us in the autumn term and assure you that we will write to you in the coming weeks with further details about your child's starting date.

We look forward to meeting you all soon. 

Click on the links below to see a power point presentation of  the "Nursery Admission Power Point presentation and to get a taste of what it is like in the Nursery

30 Hours in the Nursery

Some families are entitled for full-time place in our Nursery. If you think you are eligible, please follow the video below to get your full-time 30 hours code. You can also visit the school office for more information.

How to apply for 30 hours childcare and Tax-Free Childcare.mp4

Are you ready for Nursery

In order to support your child’s readiness to start Nursery, please work through the following checklist with them and colour in/tick the smiley face as your child achieves each step.

Nursery readiness: Click here for the Checklist

Harry and The Dinosaurs Go To School - watch the video

Here are some activities to prepare your child for Nursery and more documents to support transition into Nursery

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