Curriculum Information
Curriculum Aim
At Hambrough, our curriculum is underpinned by the schools’ Rights Respecting 'Gold standard' ethos and our desire to promote the Sustainable Global Goals. Children will learn to read and write, as well as become mathematicians and scientists, preparing them for future learning and employment. They will cover the range of subjects through a broadly thematic approach. Through this, we offer a wide variety of enriching learning experiences, exposing them to a rich vocabulary; increasing their knowledge and skills.
Curriculum Implementation
Underpinning our curriculum is the systematic development of children’s spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary proficiency which stand as gatekeepers to unlocking the richness of the curriculum. We use high quality texts to help engage and support our pupils to become motivated to read, write and share their points of view, as they explore books that present lives, worlds and perspectives that might be similar or different to their own.
We believe in providing our pupils with deep and meaningful learning experiences which boosts retention and transference of learning. For this reason, an interweaving approach reflects our curriculum design where engaging themes are driven by ‘big questions’ which our pupils are challenged to answer. As a result, the curriculum is taught within the context of these topics and pupils make links between areas of learning and consolidate skills.
We have carefully sequenced our pupils’ learning journey to enable progression in age- appropriate acquisition of disciplinary skills and their substantive concepts. Consequently, pupils do not just learn to read and write or how to ‘do’ mathematics, science and history, but become readers, writers, mathematicians, scientists and historians.
PSHE, including SMSC and British Values are the golden thread that run throughout all curriculum subjects. Teachers make links to local and global issues and address these with the children, making links to them.
Our enrichment opportunities and a termly menu of extra-curricular activities reflect the importance we place on personal development and extending the curriculum beyond academic achievement. Through this, our pupils have the opportunity to further develop their:
- interest and talents
- character
- physical and mental health
- citizenship
all of which will help prepare our pupils for future success.
Curriculum Organisation
Our curriculum is organised and delivered through:
- Discrete teaching of English, Mathematics, RE, PE and PSHE. Where appropriate, teachers plan cross curriculuarly.
- Our wider curriculum approach provides a structure for Science, History, Geography, Computing, Art and Design Technology teaching.
- Specialist teaching for Spanish and Music
- Enrichment opportunities through gardening, cooking, residential trips and a termly menu of extra-curricular activities.
Curriculum Overview