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The Wider Curriculum

At Hambrough we have developed a broad, balanced and engaging wider curriculum in line with the National Curriculum 2014. We teach a thematic based approach through which Science, History, Geography, Art, Computing and Design Technology are taught.

In line with our Rights Respecting School ethos and our drive to address the Sustainable Development Goals, where possible, all topics have a link to local, national and global issues. The school has also considered the strengths and areas for development of our local community, thus ensuring the children are given the cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

Each topic has been carefully planned to enable to children to learn new skills and gain ‘sticky’ knowledge whilst making links and building upon prior learning. The curriculum is vocabulary rich, ensuring the children are exposed to a wide range of language.

At the beginning of each topic we host ‘launch’ events for the children and their parents. At these events we plan a range of engaging activities for the children to learn about their new topic. For example, in Year 2’s topic of ‘hot and cold lands’, Turquoise class was set up as a beach and Purple class was an igloo. The children were exposed to the different activities, clothing and temperatures that you might experience in these different places. These events aim to engage not only the children in their learning but also their parents.


At the launch event we got to have lots of new experiences, like what it was like to be in a black out’ ' 

Year 6 child - World War II (1939-1945)

We used compasses to tell the direction. I’m going to make one at home to show my family ' 

Year 2 child - Adventurers crossing the Ocean

My Mum came to the launch even, she learnt lots of information about our local area

Year 4 child – Southall, our Local Area


Following the launch events, the children ask a 'big question'. Throughout the topic they acquire the knowledge and develop the skills to answer this question. 

The teachers then share the topic knowledge organisers with the children. These organisers outline the key knowledge, topic specific vocabulary and high quality texts that will be used throughout.

Knowledge Organisers

Click on the year groups below to view the current knowledge organisers.

Year 1- Life on Land and Sea

Year 2 - Hambrough Gardeners

Year 3 - Roman Invasion 

Year 4 - Waterways

Year 5 - North America

Year 6 - Our Legacy 

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