HAMBROUGH is a GOLD Rights Respecting School
The staff of Hambrough Primary School believe in helping children to both fulfil their potential in academic performance and to enjoy and succeed in their creative, expressive and sporting activities. We hope they will grow into young people who have the emotional capability to cope with their next steps once they leave our care. “Rights Respecting School Award” is continuing to help our pupils “REACH” these goals. We are delighted to inform that we have achieved the final step towards this goal by attaining the GOLD “Rights Aware” status. Our journey began in 2015 and we have been successful in raising awareness of the 17 “Global Goals” and of children's rights stated in the UN Convention in the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
The “Rights Respecting School Award” (RRSA) is presented to schools on behalf of UNICEF which is the world’s leading organisation working for the rights of children. In 1989 governments worldwide promised all children the same rights by adopting the UN convention are rooted in what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential.
Gaining the “Rights Respecting School Award” has helped our pupils to grow into confident, caring and responsible young citizens both in school and within their wider community. By teaching our children about their rights and the resulting responsibilities and by encouraging them to reflect on the outcomes of their actions we have fostered a positive environment where our pupils are safe and able to succeed and learn to their highest potential.
Our school has been a part of the “Outright Campaign” run by the UNICEF every year and particpates in the activities outlined in the campaign. This has not only empowered our children to take action or campaign for global issues like climate change, poverty, hunger, recycling, health and well-being but also promotes equity and fairness for all. Outright empowers children and young people to realise their own rights and to speak out in support of the rights of all children. Previously our participation in the campaign focused on air pollution and protecting children’s right to health and a safe, clean environment. With parental support we empowered children and young people to stand up for clean air. We held World Children’s Day and donations were collected from a Mufty Day held in support of the Outreach Campaign and sent to UNICEF UK. WHY CLEAN AIR, you may ask? We decided to be a part of the Outright Campaign to raise awareness with it’s pupils and the local community because:
- One third of all children in the UK live in areas with the most harmful air pollution
- Article 24 of the UNCRC states that every child has the right to the best possible health
However, in 2020, due to COVID restrictions, we were limited in holding assemblies and activities in the classrooms.
We at Hambrough are proud to announce that we have once again been re-accredited with GOLD status as part of our rights respecting journey.
The assessors quoted in the report:
"It was evident that children’s rights are embedded across the school and underpin every facet of school life.
Particular strengths of the school include:
- Children’s knowledge of Articles in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is excellent.
- Long standing and strong commitment to the CRC from Senior Leadership, Governors and Staff in the school.
- Children have a good understanding of the Sustainable Global Goals and have developed some powerful campaign projects to encourage sustainable living. Children quoted: " You are born with them" "They are always with people"
- Parental quote: “My son has a huge moral compass and wants to help people. The work on rights is very empowering for the children and they are growing up with empathy”.
Chair of Governors quote: “the language of rights and respect permeates the school and you can see it in their behaviour”.
RRSA Co-ordinator, Mrs Oza quoted: The RRSA Coordinator runs regular training on rights for all staff and explained that all activities are now referenced to global goals and children’s rights and the
Headteacher commented that this was “the biggest change in the school since the last accreditation visit and really valuable for families and communities to develop a sense of social justice and sustainable living”.
We plan to continue to maintain and further develop our excellent work to link rights to curriculum planning and re-visit key concepts in the CRC with children and staff, for example, ‘dignity’ and ‘equity’.


Raising Money for Charity
We are raising money this year for 3 charities.
Our local charity is the Ealing Food Bank
Our national charity is Jeans for Genes
Our international charity is UNICEF